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Camis - Development Reminders


While a majority of development reminders were specific to Camis, I believe at least some of it is relevant to any software development position. Those topics are what I included here.

Development Checklist

Ticket Etiquette

  1. Claim a ticket ("Assign to me") from the "To Do" column in Jira.
    • If a ticket is already claimed by another team member, ask for their permission to work on it first. (There may be a reason they've claimed it to work on, even if they haven't started it yet.)
  2. Move the ticket to "In Progress" as soon as you start working on it. That way, others in your team are aware of what you're doing.
  3. Move the ticket to "Review" once the pull request and solution review are started.

Git Naming Conventions


[ticket-ID]_[brief-title-or-description], e.g. XXXXX_Ticket-Name


Include the ticket ID & what you did, e.g. "XXXXX - Make particular change" as the commit title. You may use the commit body if you think a more in-depth description would be useful/helpful.

If you accidentally make a commit to the wrong branch, but haven't pushed it to the remote branch, you can use git reset HEAD~ to reverse the commit(s).

Solution Review

The purpose of a solution review is to show that the changes made to the code work as intended/expected. The person you do a solution review with depends on what the improvement/bug fix involves.

The method of a solution review depends on complexity:

Pull Request (PR)

If there are any failures with the automatic steps involved in a PR, review them and make any changes you can to fix the issues.

If it takes a while to get a PR approved by reviewers, feel free to ping/tag the appropriate user(s) on the appropriate platform(s).